Home News Buckeye Chuck Contradicts Punxsutawney Phil for Ohio’s Weather

Buckeye Chuck Contradicts Punxsutawney Phil for Ohio’s Weather

Marmota monax Marmotte commune d'Amérique -- Groundhog

OHIO – Buckeye Chuck started predicting weather in 1979 by an act of Ohio State Legislation. According to the Facebook site, Buckeye Chuck has a 75% accuracy since that time.

Much like Pennsylvania’s Phil groundhog, the Buckeye State has its own rodent. Located in Marion Ohio Buckeye Chuck also made his prediction this morning, and that prediction was the opposite of Punxsutawney Phil

At 7:44 am this morning Buckeye Chuck said we would have an early Spring, watch as this happens this morning with this link: https://fb.watch/3p6uZOMKjH/