PICKAWAY – We posted the exciting news about, “The Wager” a faith based movie being filmed right here in Circleville Ohio. Now we have more details that are just as exciting. Local producer Jim Gloyd has successfully cast a big celebrity for the movie James “Buster” Douglas, yes the guy who knocked out Mike Tyson.

“I said I had a hard-hitting announcement today… now you know why! After months of hard work, I am pleased to announce that the former undisputed heavyweight boxing champion of the world James “Buster” Douglas, is officially cast in “The Wager,” in the role of Reggie. It’s official on IMDb,” said Jim Gloyd.
James “Buster” Douglas a undisputed heavyweight champion of the world, is best known for his knockout of Mike Tyson in 1990 that earned him the crown. A Douglas Quote from Globe and Mail ,”Being crowned champion was a dream for me,” Douglas said of his Feb. 11, 1990 upset. “To achieve that was the ultimate. It was awesome.”
Douglas retired from boxing several years ago, and has called Columbus, Ohio home for many years. Douglas now a boxing trainer in Columbus, and seems to have decided to ring the bell on acting.
About the film “The Wager”
Despite the contract being signed thousands of miles away on the Pacific Coast for the director for the movie, a new film company has already picked the location for a new faith-based film, The Wager: Circleville Ohio.
For the moment, the film is still working on finishing the rounds of funding. Once the film meets its financing goals, the movie is planned to be shot in April/May of 2019. Comments from the producer, Jim Gloyd, to the Scioto Post have confirmed that the movie will be shot exclusively in Circleville, Ashville, and Columbus, Ohio.

The movie is being produced by Clean Screen Productions, which was created by Jim Gloyd (Gotti, Fate of the Furious) with Mark Justice directing (Bleach, The Immortal Wars), and Vincent McVay as Director of Photography.
On hiring Mark Justice as director, Jim stated “I am pleased to announce that we have signed on a director, Mark Justice! Mark is a native to Ohio, who has since moved to Las Vegas. He has 88 acting credits, and multiple other credits in the movie industry. He knows the business inside and out, and has been doing a lot of great work. I feel extremely blessed to have him helping spearhead “The Wager”. Both Mark Justice and Jim Gloyd are graduates from Ohio Christian University (OCU).
According to producer Jim Gloyd, the location was selected to over other potential filming locations, “I had a couple offers to produce it out of state, but I elected to start my own production company and do it right here. We see quite a few productions going on in Cleveland, Columbus, and Cincinnati, but I was determined to film some of it in Circleville and Ashville to put us on the map, and I think it will be awesome for our community.”

The movie is based on a short story written by producer/actor Jim Gloyd, and an early synopsis of the movie was provided via an earlier campaign for the movie:
“Brucie thought he got a bum rap right from the very beginning, but most people would if they were abandoned and left on the steps of the police station as a mere infant, and their future consisted of seventeen foster homes. With those odds, Brucie didn’t think he stood a chance, and maybe he didn’t. However, after a trip to church things appeared to be looking up for young Brucie, that is until he is pulled from the grid, against his will, by the Cartel to do their bidding.
By the time he breaks free from the Cartel’s stronghold, he is equipped with a heinous past and gambling addiction… while somehow keeping his rugged good looks, charm, and whit intact. He tries to go on in spite of his infirmities, but all seems lost as he loses his job and is evicted to be once again cast to the streets. In what seems to be a last-ditch effort… he takes everything he has left to the Casino in hopes for what would be the grand wager.
Instead he loses everything and seems to be without hope… that is…until a man in white walks up and asks him if he would like to make a wager…a wager that will unlock a mysterious and spiritual journey that will forever alter a broken life.”
In an interview with Jim Gloyd, a general casting call hasn’t been made yet for the film, but once made, may look to include and highlight some local actors, as well as actors from Pennsylvania and even Los Angeles. However, many local extras will need to be provided for the movie.
SciotoPost.com Giveaway for Casting on The Wager:
We are honored to be able to partner with Clean Screen Productions to give away one uncredited role in The Wager. If the movie reaches its financing goals, we will be selecting one random person who shares this fantastic news for Pickaway County. To enter, please share the story of this movie on Facebook. Once the movie is confirmed, we’ll announce a winner. Additional details are To Be Announced.
For more information on movie financing, contact us at News@SciotoPost.com
For more information on Clean Screen Productions, please visit their website by clicking here.
For more information on Jim Gloyd, click here for Facebook and here for his personal website. For Mark Justice’s Facebook page, click here.