Home News Can I Freeze My Milk Gallons to Save for Later Use? Yes...

Can I Freeze My Milk Gallons to Save for Later Use? Yes with Caution Heres How


USA – With COVID-19 fears some people have a few extra gallons they have bought so they do not have to shop weekly during the country wide shutdown. Some of that milk is getting ready to expire can I freeze it? The answer is yes with caution.

Milk like most liquids expands when frozen so you first will have to open the container and pour some out before freezing a whole gallon of milk. About a cup of milk out of the gallon will do.

To save the extra cup of milk freeze some in a ice cube tray so when you need some milk for recipes that will be easily accessible.

Milk is good up to three months this way, you can freeze chocolate milk also.

You can also freeze cheese, cream cheese, yogurt, butter and sour cream. Putting the containers in a plastic bag in the freezer will cut down on any freezer burn.