Chillicothe – A man was arrested after a fight occurred in a car where both people were injured involving a gun.
According to the Chillicothe police department, a fight between two males occurred on 7/28 in to the area of Tiffin St. inside a car. According to the victim he and Koty Umphries, had been at a party at a girl’s house somewhere across town. They then left the residence in Umphries car when an argument between the two occurred. According to the Victim, Umphries pulled a gun and threatened him. Then fearing for his life, he hit the man. In retaliation Umphries supposedly hit the victim back with the gun, and both ended up with lacerations in the face and head. The victim exited the car and Umphries left the scene
Police took the report and a Bolo was issued for the suspect vehicle and a warrant for Umphries for felonious assault.
Koty Umphries was arrested the next day for the warrant and transferred to the County jail. During the investigation, police learned that the gun in question was still in the vehicle. Umphries under oath admitted to the assault but had a different report, that he had not hit the man with the gun but moved it when his friend had become aggressive with him and had attacked him first. Umphries also had injuries from the assault.
Umphries has been charged with felonious assault, it is unknown if the other party will be charged also. The gun was confiscated as evidence.