CHILLICOTHE – A man with warrants, drugs, and fast feet was arrested for a short time yesterday, but is currently on the run.
According to the Chillicothe Police department on 5/16/22 an officer witnessed a man on a red Honda TRX420 four-wheeler ran the red light at the intersection of Main and Watt street and ran into a car going through the intersection. The man went airborne after the impact and landed on the roadway. The officer described what happened next.
“I pulled forward to protect the scene and activated my overhead lights.
The four-wheeler driver stood up, looked at me and my lights, then fled the scene, running W/B on W Main St. I followed in my cruiser until the suspect turned S/B at 608 E Main St and ran toward the back yard as I was yelling for the subject to stop and identifying myself as the police. I ran around the house the other direction and cut the subject off at the gate. He attempted to run to the S/W corner of the fenced in yard and tried to climb the fence. I grabbed hold of his shirt collar and pulled him back down into the yard. I continued to instruct this subject to stop resisting and comply. This subject continued to attempt to pull away and continued reaching into his pockets. Each time this subject pulled his hand out of his pocket, he threw something over the fence into adjacent yards. I observed an orange pill bottle and a dark object being tossed the first time (south fence) and a cloudy plastic baggie being tossed the second time (west fence). I was able to get one handcuff on as he continued resisting. I informed him to stop resisting or he would be tased. He continued resisting and pulled away again, running toward the N/E fence corner attempting to climb over. I deployed the X26 taser, striking him in the lower left back and middle back, effectively completing the circuit. I grabbed the handcuff and attempted to place it onto his other wrist. The subject jumped up again, continuing to resist and struggle. I activated the X26 taser again, disabling him again. I was able to successfully complete the handcuffing at this point.”
Officers checked the fenceline while still on scene and found a pill bottle containing 17 white and tan capsules marked “OME 20”. These pills did not
appear to be factory-made, also a baggie of marijuana. That Kirby had tossed over the fence during the chase.
After the arrest, the man identified himself as another name, but at the hospital, another officer recognized the suspect as Kirby Smith, who had multiple warrants active warrants for his arrest, including a felony warrant from APA.
At the hospital, Adena suggested that the man should be transported to Grant for the head trauma from the crash. While the hospital was still in custody of the man, Kirby jumped from the hospital bed and fled the hospital in his hospital gown, he was last seen in a corn field across from the hospital.
Kirby was issued warrants for DUS, Hit skip, Red Light violation, Obstructing Official Business, Resisting Arrest and Providing False Information to Police.