CHILLICOTHE – Chillicothes pool located on Back and Yaple road in the park area will open this weekend.
The pool offers a water slide a diving board and a kid’s area. Pool is open 12:00 pm to 7:00 pm Monday thru Saturday and 1:00 pm to 7:00 pm on Sunday, and will open this year on May 28th at 12pm.
Day Rates – $5.00 for individuals 18 and years older
Day Rates – $4.00 for individuals under 18 years old
Family Pass – $250.00
Couples Pass – $200.00
Adult Pass – $100.00
Youth Pass – $75.00
You can also have a private party, call early for reservations:
Less than 75 People – $250
75 to 125 People – $350
Over 125 People* – $500
*Extra Large groups may have to schedule 2 parties due to pool capacity
Applications are being accepted to be a lifeguard for summer positions submit to Pam Brown.