CHILLICOTHE – Chillicothe School district has released a outline of what the 2020-2021 school year will look like.
A majority of the outline will be aimed at six foot rules, the ability to clean surfaces regularly, and mask wearing when the six foot rule cannot be maintained.
“While in the presence of students or in situations that require face-to-face communication, and do not allow for distancing by six feet, all staff will be required to wear a mask or protective shield during work hours. The district will have masks and protective shields available when requested.”
Staff will be required to report if a child shows symptoms of being ill and that child will be sent to the school nurse for an assessment.
Chillicothe schools will also offer remote learning by semester or for a year long basis. You can sign up for that here:
Classrooms will also look differently with removal of any clutter surfaces are free to be cleaned regularly. Rooms will be retrofitted with sanitizing stations for both students and staff members. Kindergarten through 2nd grade will have plexiglass shields on tables, grades 3 through 12 will have single seat desks that will be spaced out for safe distance. Hallways in the school will have one way traffic for students.
Masks are not required for students at all times, but they are required while riding busses to and from school and in situations where social distancing is not being met. Students will pre-existing health issues can require special seating in classrooms and are encouraged to wear masks. Students will be required to wear a mask or they will be denied transportation, bus drivers will wear a mask when operating.
14 day quarantine will be required for any student or staff member that tests positive for COVID-19. Students that have a fever but are not COVID-19 positive will have to stay home for 72 hours and be fever-free without medication before returning to school. A child or staff member will be assess by school nurse upon returning.
Kindergarten through sixth grade will be served lunch in classrooms, older students will have more traditional lunch will social distancing guidelines. Large group recess will not be permitted, and field trips will not be permitted until further notice.
To read the complete outline click here: