Chillicothe – Two children were picked up by a woman who found them walking along 345 Arch street alone around 3:30 in the afternoon.
According to the report, the kids said they were scared but left the house because the babysitter was abusing them. When police arrived they listened to the children and started an investigation.
Contact was made with the children’s mother who told police that she had sole custody of the children but she worked two jobs and had the children stay with a babysitter. She allowed the children to speak the police who told them that the babysitter had forced one of them to eat hot sauce, choked them, and beat them with a plastic toy track. The children reported that they had not said anything to their mother.
The babysitter was interviewed and she said that she wasn’t feeling good and she went to lay down around 11 take a nap, when she woke up she noticed the front door was unlocked and the children were gone. She told police that she had gotten into her car and looked for the kids, but also said she didn’t wake up until officers called her phone.
At this time no charges have been filed against anyone, but the investigation continues.