Chillicothe – A woman has been arrested and charged with felonious assault after running a man she says is her husband and a woman off the road.
According to Chillicothe, police reports they were dispatched to Paint Street after a 911 call when a woman identified as Heather Boyd followed two people in a car down Bridge Street and attempted to run them off the road by ramming her car into the right passenger side of their vehicle.
When police arrived they reported that Boyd was immediately in the officer’s space saying, “That is my husband running around with some other girl”. Shen then pushed past officers and beat on the victim’s vehicle. Officers reported that they then attempted to take Boyd into custody but she fought back and resisted.
The victims in the situation said that Boyd had been stalking them calling their job, and watching them as they were at work.
Boyd was arrested and charged with Obstructing Official Business, Resisting, and two counts of Felonious Assault.