Home News Church in West Virginia Burns, Bibles Don’t Burn Fire – Chief Calls...

Church in West Virginia Burns, Bibles Don’t Burn Fire – Chief Calls it a Miracle


COAL CITY – On March 6, 2019, Coal City Fire Department was dispatched to assist another department, Beaver Volunteer Fire Department, on a structure fire at Freedom Ministries Church located in Grandview West Virginia. What the Department said they saw, other firefighters and first responders say they have seen before, bibles that have survived the flames and were removed from the burnt wreckage of the church completely readable.

According to Coal City, the fire in the church was so hot they had to retreat from the fire. “In your mind, everything should be burned, ashes. Not a single bible was burned, and not a single cross was harmed!! Not a single firefighter was hurt,” said Coal City Fire.

Other fire department and first responders replied to the viral thread with comments that they have seen this as well.  Dean Vandall, a firefighter for more than 20 years made a statement, “Out of every structure fire I have responded to in the past 20 years, not one Bible has burned, they might have smoke damage or char around the edges, but you could still read every page. We gave the owners back a lot of bibles over the years. It just goes to show that God’s word is more powerful than the devil’s fire and fury no matter how hot it gets. God was watching over all you guys last night, and every fire call y’all go on.”

Erin Hoover, a volunteer responder during 9/11 attacks, responded to the Flight 93 plane crash in Somerset County. “We were walking in the woods yelling for survivors, and looking for the wreckage when we got on scene. We found wallets and papers, blowing in the wind, that was charred and burnt, Unreadable. We did, however, find a Bible. Untouched. Completely readable. I don’t talk much about responding that day, but felt compelled to share my story too. I have PTSD from that call. However, your right. God is with us on those bad calls, those bad days. You just have to look up.”

Sharon Lackey said she had a Bible her father carried around the world during tours of duty and when her home burned the trunk that was underneath – the Bible burnt but the Bible did not. “When our house burned in Texas I had the family bible laying on dad’s army trunk that he carried around the world doing his tours of duty. The top of the trunk burned a hole through the top where the bible was laying, and it didn’t damage the bible in any way. I still have both the trunk and the Bible. They serve as a reminder to me how great the word of God can be.”

Many accounts of the same thing has happened all over the US in this viral thread along with photos of houses destroyed and bibles left untouched. Here is the thread