CIRCLEVILLE – Circleville City schools will start school on a staggered start for the school year with schedule B of their three part plan to deal with the pandemic.
Schedule B will will split students into a reduced class size and have them attend school only two days a week with the other three being online learning. Schedule B was planned to go into effect if Pickaway County became a Level three in the state of Ohio Public Health Advisory Alert System
Sanitation of the schools will occur on Tuesday night and Fridays by district staff. Students 3-12 will be required to wear a mask when they cannot perforce social distancing. All kids who ride a bus to school will also wear a mask on the bus ride.
Circleville City schools have committed to this level for the first 9 weeks of school. The Next nine weeks will be reevaluated then based on the level of pandemic we are under. CIrcleivlle is extending the online learning only option if anyone would like to enroll.
To read the schedule A and C click here: