CIRCLEVILLE – Circleville city schools released an outline of the health and safety practices they will follow during the 2021 school year.
One of the key factors that were highlighted in the release is the parent/school relationship to monitor and help keep kids safe during a possible resurgence of COVID-19.
“Communication regarding the importance, and reinforcement, of frequent hand washing routines, urging families to monitor their child health every day by screening for COVID-19 symptoms and encouraging student and staff to stay home when sick.”
The school outlined ways it would work to keep the school sanitized and parents informed on any issues that may arise.
“The provision of station for santilitzing throughout each school building and within our classrooms, hands-free water bottle filling stations, special medify MA-15 purifiers for all classrooms designed to remove 99.9 particles in schools, HVAC medications set up to provide maximum outside airflow, school buses sanitation between routes, Nurse will directly oversee implementations of screening notification and quarantine implications.”
Masks in school for all grades K thru 12 will be optional, although buses because they are considered public transportation Federal guidelines mandate masks while riding buses, vans.
More information can be found below