Home News Circleville Council Approved the Purchase of Barthemas Park Expansion

Circleville Council Approved the Purchase of Barthemas Park Expansion


CIRCLEVILLE – During the last City Council meeting Febunary 5, 2019 city council approved an ordnance with intent to purchase around 22 acres of land adjacent to Barthelmas Park.  The land according to the ordnance is to be used as park property and other recreational purposes.  The ordnance also allows the mayor to enter into a agreement with the Pickaway Park District to assist in the funding of the purchase.

The Mayor now is authorized to negotiate with the Rhoads family for 21.224 acres of property that sits adjacent to the current park.  A grant will pay for half the 300,000 dollar purchase and the Park District said they will help with the purchase also.  Council doesn’t know yet if they will be approved for the grant but will know in the spring, and have a contingency plan for payment if the grant isn’t approved.

According to Council this was a opportunity they couldn’t pass up trying to secure more park space that sits adjacent to the park property already.  Vote from City Council was unanimous minus Tom Spring because he was absent to the meeting.