Circleville – During this week’s council meeting at Circleville City Council meeting a concerned citizen reported that she is having serious issues with raccoons in her area of the City.
The resident said, “I’m here concerning raccoons terrorizing the neighborhood. They are killing all the cats and even hurt my dog. They have killed like 20 cats. We are scared to have our animals out in the yard.”
The woman reported that the issue is ongoing in the Ohio Street area, Franklin Street, and Logan Street areas.
The woman said that after complaints to the city, some mowing was done by the railroad tracks which she said helped because it was a way for the animals to hide during the day. She said that the cages the city gave them to help trap the animals, people are stealing so they are not doing very good.
The mayor Don Mcllroy offered to call the local Game Warden to try to help get answers to what they needed to do next.