CIRCLEVILLE – We all appreciate Santa coming to town for our children and the fun events that happen downtown. Sue Lumley president of the Downtown Business Association put out this recognition.
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“Season’s Greetings from the Circleville Downtown Business Association.

We’d like to thank:
Bialy Corp, for letting us use the lot at Scioto and Main Street to set up the Santa House and for the electricity through the whole time. Santa visited children and their families over 11 days, which totaled 42 hours and talked with about 990 children, 950 adults, and one small dog. Even though Santa and his helper, Sue, were both sick with the flu this last week, we struggled through and ended with a great season.
Thank you, Elsea Home Center for delivering and storing Santa’s House and steps for all these years.
Thank you, Rosena’s Treasures, for being open during Santa’s visits and providing hot chocolate and a warm place for Santa and our visitors.”