Circleville – The Circleville Finance Committee met on Tuesday to discuss a few items, it was the only meeting this week from Council.
Almost all of the council was in attendance except Sheri Theis, the discussion was centered around the JEDD update, and the pushing forward of the first amendment to the JEDD agreement. Tim Colburn P3 executive director, and Glenn Reeser City Appointed representative to the JEDD board explained to the council that they needed an amendment to fix an overpayment to the city in JEDD monies because the city was paying for RITA. According to Reeser, the agreement was paying the City of Circleville an additional 3% for that tax, but the 3% was more than enough money and ended with an overpayment to the city of around 30,000 dollars over the past 6 years since the JEDD was formed in 2018. The amendment would temporarily change that payment and repay Logan Elm schools that money over the rest of 2024 and when the 20 million dollar gas pipeline is paid off at the beginning of 2025 more talks on how the percentages of money will be distributed between the three parties City of Circleville, Pickaway Township, and Logan Elm Schools.
For more information on the Sofidel JEDD and what is happening here’s the most recent story on the Sofidel JEDD and how it will help pay for Circleville’s interests in the future.
“In November of 2019 the citizens of Circleville passed the Safety Levy by 61% to 38% we put that back on the ballot in November of 2023 with a 45% for 54% fail, and just last week we put it back on the ballot and 1065 for and 1346 against the levy (unofficial results). Unfortunately it did not pass but we need to discuss our plan moving forward. The plan is to review all options, and one of those decisions is to put that levy on the ballot again, this money pays for our safety forces salaries and for equipment. With my full support as finance chair and council person before becoming mayor that support continues as the mayor. I ask that the council and the finance committee consider how we move forward to put this on the ballot again in November,” said the Mayor.
Barry Keller President of the Council said that he met with the mayor this week and went over the results of the safety levy on the ballot. He said he challenged the mayor to work with police and fire departments to talk about a plan that they will support and she will support and then bring back a proposal to the Finance Committee on what that levy should look like.
Katie Logan Hedges Chairperson of the Finance Committee explained that without the levy it cuts the budget of the safety forces by 1/3 from a financial standpoint and asks Council members to explore options going forward for the city.