Circleville – A Local Hardees Restaurant has passed several health inspections including one that came in as a complaint.
Hardees reopened in March of 2024 after almost a year shutdown to deal with health code violations. In June of 2023, both the Fire dept as well as health dept had several violations that forced the closure. Both departments forced new inspections to the facility that the restaurant had to pass to reopen.
Fast forward to March of 2024 after almost a year of work, Hardees passed both inspections and was granted the ability to reopen. Since then they have had minimal issues and violations over three inspections in the three months. On May 21, 2024, a complaint came into Pickaway County Health Department that a customer stated they were, “ill after eating at the facility earlier in the day.” They said that the food tasted, “spoiled, and the fries tasted like leftovers from the day before.”
Pickaway County Health Department inspected the facility and found that the “facility was correctly using their time in lieu of temperature procedures, and cold holding temps were 40 degrees, including the ham. Date marking was being used correctly at the time of inspection.”