PICKAWAY – A man was found in a questionable position on Tuesday after his vehicle was called into the 911 system for operating recklessly.
According to the Ohio State Highway patrol, a 99 White Crown Victoria was called into the 911 system by several motorists for operating recklessly on US-23 in the area of South Bloomfield. Officers were dispatched to the area to look for the vehicle. OSP eventually found the vehicle parked at the rest area on US-23 just North of South Bloomfield. When the trooper arrived on the scene and walked up to the suspected vehicle he found 41-year-old Maico Ortiz in the driver seat with his pants down exposing himself.
According to the report the man was on the phone at the time and did not see the officer walk up to the car.
He was ordered to redress himself and was asked out of the vehicle where the officer detected the smell of alcohol and started a investigation. After a sobriety test Maico Ortiz was arrested for OVI, inside his vehicle OSP found 3 grams of Marijuana, and 1 gram of a crystal substance identified as possible methamphetamines.
Ortiz was charged with indecent exposure, OVI, and possession of drugs (2) he was taken to the Pickaway County jail and will face a court hearing on his charges.