CIRCLEVILLE – Circleville Detectives and I.C.A.C. Franklin County Internet Crimes against Children conducted a month long investigation into the resident, 25 year old Eric T. Coyle. During the investigation Detectives were able to compile enough probable cause for the Search Warrant of the residence located at 208 Town Street.

On September 27, 2018 Mr. Coyle was arrested and charged with 10 counts of Felony 2 Pandering Obscenities Involving A Minor, 10 counts of Felony 2 Pandering Sexually Oriented Matter Involving a Minor, 3 counts of Felony 4 Pandering Obscenities Involving A Minor, and 3 counts of Felony 4 Pandering Sexually Oriented Matter Involving a Minor.

Today he faced judgment and conviction on these charges.On Wednesday March 13, 2019, Eric T. Coyle (26 of Circleville) was sentenced to 15 years in prison plus 5 years post release control by Judge P. Randall Knece of the Pickaway County
Common Pleas Court. This sentence comes after Mr. Coyle pled guilty in January 2019 to 22 counts of Pandering Obscenities Involving a Minor, all felonies of the 2nd degree. As part of thesentencing, Mr. Coyle must register as a Tier II sexual offender for 25 years after he is released from prison.
Today’s sentencing ends one part of a lengthy investigation which began July of 2018 and culminated in the residential search warrant and arrest of Mr. Coyle on September 27, 2018.
Over the course of this investigation more than 13 search warrants were executed which led to investigations in another state and another country. We would especially like to thank the Franklin County Sheriff’s Office ICAC Task Force, the Pickaway County Prosecutor’s Office and the Major County Sheriff’s Office of Oklahoma for all their assistance with this investigation. The Circleville Police Department in conjunction with the Pickaway County Prosecutor’s Office will continue to investigate these cases and prosecute offenders to the fullest extent of the law.
As a community, we must work together to keep our children safe. Please put parental controls in place to keep your children safe and talk to your kids about the dangers of the Internet. Know who they’re talking to and what cellphone applications they are using. Lastly, if you believe your child may be the victim of an internet crime please contact the Circleville Police Department at (740) 474-8888.