CIRCLEVILLE – The City of Circleville released the 2022 administration report for 2022 and the Mayor made sure to brag about it in Council Chambers on Tuesday.
Mayors Report (City Administration)
“2022 was a remarkable year for the city,” said the Mayor, “This is the most comprehensive report that we’ve ever done, we carried over 2.7 million dollars, and that was due to two things. All departments in the city came under expense budgets, and from new revenue income we were 3 million in new monies.”
The report included a carryover balance for the last 10 years with 2022 being the most significant. Increasing from 4.8 Million in 2012 to 8.9 Million in 2022, with that expenses also increasing from 4.4 million in 2012 to 7.9 Million in 2022.

It highlighted three new businesses that came to the area City BBQ, Harbor Freight, and Starbucks, and new economic development in Circleville including the Wicker building, IOOF Building, Crites Building, Movie Theater, Old Fitzpatrick, and Pecks Hall all have had some movement in 2022, creating a more vibrant downtown experience.
The report included reports from safety forces, human resources, and service and utility departments.

Safety forces
“Overall, 2022 was a successful year for our safety forces in the City of Circleville. In all, our police and fire departments handled a combined total of 22,288 calls for service in the city (police – 17,685 & fire – 4,603). Our safety forces total 43 great men and women, 18 CPD officers, 6 Dispatchers, and 19 CFD officers. The fire department saw an increase of 622 “runs from 2021 to 2022. Of the total calls for service, our department gave “mutual aid” 649 times. So, our fire department doesn’t just serve the citizens of Circleville, they also serve the citizens of Pickaway County any time they are called upon. The police department saw a decrease in calls for service in 2022 but actually made about 300 more traffic stops compared to 2021, which I believe helped in reducing the number of traffic crashes in the city by 93 crashes. Search warrants conducted increased over 100%, from 50 in 2021 to 118 in 2022. Drug overdoses and drug overdose deaths also decreased in 2021. We are looking forward to 2023 as we will be adding additional personnel to both departments along with new “service vehicles,” which will make our city and its first responders safer overall.”
The Mayor noted that Safety forces have come under budget since 2012
Human Resources
8 Medical Only claims in 2022, 4 days of work missed, 1 lost time claim, and 77 days of work missed. There were 15 requests for family medical leave. The city has 111 total employees that are full-time and 32 part-time, the city brought on 24 new hires to replace 23 retired, resignations, or terminations.
As of 12/31/22, there are 34 vacancies, most of these are from safety forces, including 1 Police captain, 1 police sergeant, 5 police officers, 1 communications officer, including 6 new firefighter positions that were just awarded through a safer federal grant and have not yet been filled., 18 part-time firefighters, 1 HR assistant, and 1 Assistant Clerk of Council.
Service and Utility departments
Major Projects completed were the Ted Lewis park project including a splash pad maintenance building and restrooms, open shelter buildings and walkways, and Ted Lewis drive and picnic ave. repaved. AMI project, automated meters in homes, 5,300 meters replaced, Street Improvement program, Well 6 at water treatment plant, Sewer Lining project (about 1 mile of pipe restructured), North Court Bridge.
Projects started wastewater treatment plant rehabilitation project, Cedar Heights phase 3, Bolender Pontius rd Phase 1 (widening and curve realignment), Circle dr. Montclair Ave. Project (Markley, Arbor, Wood, Beverly, and Guilford)

Street Paving completed

Parks Report
Over 32,000 collected from shelter house rentals in 2022
7 events at MVCH park – Friday in the park
Mayors Cup – total profit raised 12,455.04
Zoning Report
146 Zoning permits, 374 Complaints received and processed, 30 Nuisance property clean-ups
During the council meeting, President Barry Keller reported that they would have the Council report next City Council meeting in February.