Home Event Circleville Police Department and Ohio Christian University to Host Training Events

Circleville Police Department and Ohio Christian University to Host Training Events



Whole Community Training

Circleville Police Department and Ohio Christian University Office of Emergency Management is hosting a regional training class where first responders, emergency management practitioners, government officials and community leaders can collectively prepare for an emergency event.  By doing so, a more effective path to societal security and resilience is built.

Morning session will assess the needs of our community

Afternoon session will consist of tabletop exercises

Ohio Christian University

Robert W. Plaster Center

1360 Lancaster Pike

Circleville, Ohio 43113

RSVP to schedule@circlevillepolice.com

For questions call 740-477-8281

April 12, 2018

9am to 4 pm

RSVP: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/whole-community-training-tickets-42870031418

Questions: training@circlevillepolice.com



September 19, 2018

9am to 4 pm

RSVP: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/whole-community-training-tickets-42867811779

Questions: training@circlevillepolice.com