PICKAWAY – On October 10, 2020, Circleville Post troopers Isaac J. Steele and Jacob D. Landis were instrumental in saving a man’s life.
Troopers Steele and Landis were flagged down by a pedestrian on U.S. 23 letting them know that a man was struck when crossing the road. He was severely injured and almost in shock when troopers Steele and Landis arrived. They immediately called for Emergency Medical Services and obtained as much information from the injured pedestrian as possible. After noticing blood streaming from the injured man’s leg, Trooper Steele immediately applied a tourniquet while Trooper Landis performed sternum rubs. Aid was rendered until EMTs arrived and were able to stabilize and prepare the injured man to be flown to a hospital.
For their quick thinking and life-saving actions, troopers Steele and Landis were presented with the Ohio State Highway Patrol’s Certificate of Recognition on behalf of Colonel Richard S. Fambro.