A survivor of domestic violence, Circleville native Jessica (Minney) Greisheimer wants to transform her struggle into something positive, and put Chillicothe on the map as a destination for other filmmakers in the process.
Currently in editing, her independently produced film, Without Her is a semi-autographical story about a young woman’s struggle to escape an abusive relationship. The story is told from the perspective of the woman’s dog, Storm, who is played by Greisheimer’s real-life dog, Stormagheddon, a talkative shepherd mix.
“More women want to escape domestic violence,” she told Circleville Sunrise Rotary members on June 11. “A majority of them won’t leave because they refuse to leave their pets.”
Greisheimer said she plans to use any profits derived from the film to help build a pet-friendly shelter in Chillicothe.
For more information about Without Her visit www.withouthermovie.com.