Chillicothe – The City of Chillicothe’s Building Department has been working collaboratively with the Ross County Land Bank to enforce building code violations and spur redevelopment. The Ross County Land Bank was awarded a $629,800 Building Demolition and Revitalization grant from the Ohio Department of Development to use for the demolition of vacant and blighted properties.

The City provided the Land Bank a list of properties with building code violations and/or were recommended for demolition by the Chillicothe Police and Fire Departments due to numerous emergency calls related to trespassing, nuisance, and/or criminal activity. The grant efforts are just underway with funds being used creatively to save properties when possible. Check out the progress photos for some of the properties identified and read more about each project in the description.

“The City sincerely appreciates the investment that has gone into these homes, and others on the list, to rehabilitate residential buildings that are greatly needed in our community. The City and Land Bank will continue to work collaboratively on the list of properties and with the property owners to revitalize properties when possible or eliminate blight and nuisance when rehabbing is not feasible.”