Circleville – A lot of arguing and changes have occurred since the talk of the levy in Circleville, and its renew to support local safety forces.
The original talk months ago in Circleville City Chambers was to push a permanent levy of .05% onto the Circleville City residents, but the belief that that wouldn’t pass has had the council change the verbiage of the levy to something more patible to the voters.
Discussions started on May 16, during the Circleville Finance committee with the idea of making the saftey forces levy permant, with changes to levy that were to remove the earmark that the funds were only to be used for Saftey forces. This came with some pushback, with some councilmembers concerned the the citizens wouldnt pass it.
More infomation gathering was conducted and several more meetings kicked around diffrent variation of the levy settling on a .04% for 5 years just .01% break for the citizens based off the low staffing of the police department and its overall use of the levy in years past. Council will push a 5 year levy again this time, but expecting to renew the levy again in 5 years, becuase currently the city doesnt have any solutions other than the continuous tax on its citizens.
Tommorow August 1, 2023 Circleville Council will vote on ordiance to put the levy into the ballot, the most recently language is:
An Ordinance Replacing The One-Half Per Cent (.50%) Income Tax Rate Increase Allocated For The Purpose Of Operating And Maintaining The Safety Forces In The City Of Circleville, To Be Expended For The Safety Forces Prior To The Use Of The Funds Allocated To The General Funds With A 0.40% With A 0.40% Annum Income Tax For A Five Year Period Effective January 1, 2025, And Expiring December 31,2029 Directing The Pickaway County Board Of Elections To Submit This Ordinance To The Electors Of The City Pursuant To Ohio Revised Code, Section 718.04 And Declaring An Emergency.
b. A Resolution To Submit To The Electors At A General Election To Be Held On November 7, 2023, An Ordinance To Replace The One-Half Per Cent (.50%) Income Tax Rate Increase Allocated For The Purposed Of Operating And Maintaining The Safety Forces In The City Of Circleville, To Be Expended For The Safety Forces Prior To The Funds Allocated To The General Fund, With A 0.40% Per Annum Income Tax Four A Five Year Period To Commence January 1,2025, And Expiring December 31,2029, Directing The Pickaway County Board Of Elections To Submit The Tax Ordinance To The Electors Of The City Pursuant To Ohio Revised Code, Section 718.04 And Declaring An Emergency.