CIRCLEVILLE – The City of Circleville has released its 2022 street improvement list.
The final reconstruction phase of Cedar Heights is scheduled to bid for early spring and should be completed this year, this job is mostly paid by grant monies and not out of the annual budget for street improvement.
The streets that are scheduled for mill and fill paving are as follows
N. Court St. from Wilson to the North Corporation Boundary
Washington St. from High St. south to Union St.
S. Court St. From Main St. south to Mound.
The City has also proposed waterline and sanitary sewer work in the Circle Drive, Markley, Beverly, Montclair, Guilford area to allow for paving in 2023.
The city of Circleville has an annual budget of around 1.1 million dollars for road improvements based on the legislature voted on in the past. James Stanley Director of Public Service reported that the city is chasing funding for more road improvements.
The City has also applied for OPWC Grant funding for Bolender Pontious Road and anticipates applying for CDBG Grant funding for Walnut St. between Clinton St. and Pickaway St.