Chillicothe — After flyers from the KKK were found on windshields in Chillicothe’s West End on March 17th, a flurry of condemnations and community concerned followed. That resulted in several speakers on the topic in Chillicothe Council on March 25th.
As the Scioto Post reported on March 20th, such flyers allegedly from a Kentucky chapter have been reported in other communities across Ohio, West Virginia, and Kentucky. Similar “Keep America American” flyers from “Patriot Front” were posted in Circleville.
Speakers at council included Adrienne D’Souza, President of the Ross County NAACP and prominent member of Chillicothe and Ross County’s African-American leadership. She showed the flyers to the audience.
Other prominent speakers were Dr. John Gabis, member of the Hope Partnership Project, and the Reverend Terry Williams. The consensus was that it’s good that the community did not react unthinkingly to the flyers, but instead communicated their concerns, and continue to push back against injustice. They also challenged council to respond.
I asked Chillicothe Council President Kevin Shoemaker his thoughts. He said it’s difficult to address the situation because that might give the KKK what they want – but the community still must talk about it.
“Whenever you start to cross that line toward making other people feel less than human,” you might encourage malicious behavior in reaction, he said. He agreed that the public discourse in council was a good airing out. Shoemaker said that action council could take is a resolution.
Hear him in his own words in the below video interview.
Police are urging anyone with information about the distribution of these flyers, particularly anyone with video footage of the perpetrators, to report that to [email protected].
Concerns were also expressed about a proposed ordinance to authorize $70,000 through the end of the year to fill the vacant position of Mayor’s Chief of Staff – find that story also on the Scioto Post.