ROSS – Ross County Sheriff’s office awarded a corrections officer the first award of 2022.
Deputy Netter was nominated by her peers for her leadership qualities and the example she sets for other employees.
“In this time of chaos, confusion and change; Dep. Netter has been a pillar for me and other Deputies. Often times in question, Ive looked for her as a way of guidance and clarification. No matter how busy or frustrated Deputy Netter is, she has an amazing ability to make you feel heard and understood. She takes the time to help with your situation or fix any mistakes that were made. Her experience and knowledge often calms hostile situations and allows control to be kept. Unfortunately I have experienced many hardships of this profession; professionally and personally. In those moments Netter has always been given me the needed guidance and assurance that I’ve need to continue to serve. If anyone should be recognized for their work here in this office it would have to be Deputy Netter,” said Ross County Sheriff George W. Lavender Jr.