Home News COSI Helps Celebrate Pumpkin Show with Science Presentation

COSI Helps Celebrate Pumpkin Show with Science Presentation


CIRCLEVILLE – Circleville has been chosen by COSI to be part of its parent communities next year for its science festival that will happen next year, but to give you a taste of what they have to offer COSI is presenting a science demonstration on the main stage of Pumpkin Park on Friday October 18th from 2:15 to 3:15.

COSI’s Kaitlyn Majewski Science Festival Manager said, “that this event is part of a bigger celebration in 2020.”

Last year was the first year for the COSI science festival the idea was Four days of science STEM interaction fun. Three of those days COSI reached out to local Franklin County communites bringing the event to them in strategic locations to make sure to get as many people involved. The Fourth day was a huge all-day Science celebration with more than 100 STEM exhibitors located outside COSI in Columbus. The entire four days worth of events is free to the community.

In 2020 COSI is reaching out even further, due to the overwhelming success they had and Circleville has been chosen as one of those communities. The Pumpkin Show event is just part of it and Majewski promised that they would do something around pumpkins.

Next year during the first three days of the event they will have events here, cumulating to the big Science festival at COSI on the fourth. As part of the festival COSI asks to nominate a special “COSI STEM STAR” to represent the community in the events. Circleville Police officer David McIntyre has been selected as that person and will receive a special 3D printed trophy during the Pumpkin Show event. McIntyre will also be honored by City administration also.

“This is a way of recognizing people who are doing amazing things in STEM and help us spread the word throughout the year,” said Majewski.

Next Years COSI STEM Festival will take place on May 6th through 9th, and we can expect to see some great events in Circleville. Majewski said that the new STEM events are not announced but she promised some fun ones.

Circleville will join London, Marysville, Delaware, Pickerington, and Heath as new STEM partners. Bexley, Columbus, Grandview, Gahanna, Grove City, Grandview Heights, New Albany, Reynoldsburg, Upper Arlington, Westerville, Whitehall, and Worthington were part of the 2019 celebration.