PICKAWAY – Pickaway county active cases have hit a number that hasn’t been seen since June.
Average cases in June of the COVID-19 virus were at 7 cases active per day. In July cases spiked to 50 cases per day after reports from the health department of local spread from group activities. Those cases quickly declined over the next month in August averaging mid 20s, cases weekly declined in Pickaway county reports.
In September cases dropped again over the next weeks into the teens, and now on September 21, 2020 active cases have dropped into the single digits again at 9 and no one hospitalized.
In the six months of active pandemic in Pickaway county, cases of community spread locally for a total of 465 cases, all have recovered by 7 community deaths and 9 current active cases.
On Monday, September 21, 2020 there is a total of 137,309 confirmed COVID-19 cases in Ohio and 4,325 deaths.