Home News Defense of Homeless Again Dominates Chillicothe Council

Defense of Homeless Again Dominates Chillicothe Council

Welcome Stokien and Amy Fitton addressed the "anti-camping" proposed ordinance in Chillicothe Council.

Chillicothe — Homelessness again dominated Chillicothe Council Monday, though the “anti-camping” proposed ordinance was still not on the agenda yet.

Lisa Bennett held a Community Affairs Committee meeting before the council session, on Assignment 24-117, “Camping In Public Areas.” She also heard additional comments in the public address part of the council session.

Afterward, Bennett told me that the committee she chairs is still in its learning stages, and they will make sure they use every resource before making their decision.

She said it is amazing what community resources are available, and that Community Action has done an amazing job with their shelter and resource center.

Bennett said “I think we’re still going to have it in committee, I’m not sure we’re ready to table it – we want to make sure we can do all the help we can.” She said they got good input, and there are lots of great people in the community.

In response to complaints about criminalizing homelessness, Bennett said “none of us want to make it criminal at all.”

She said the next step will be a council review session to learn more, and that council president Kevin Shoemaker said he would announce a date soon.

Hear Bennett, and repeat speakers Welcome Stokien and Amy Fitton, in their own words in the below videos. See also my additional story on workers and advocates organized for the homeless.

Lisa Bennett on her committee’s “anti-camping” proposed ordinance.
Welcome Stokien and Amy Fitton address the “anti-camping” proposed ordinance.
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Raised in Ross County, Bearcat class of '87 at Paint Valley. Wrote a column on history and historic preservation for the Chillicothe Gazette right out of high school, then a bachelors in Journalism in the OU class of '91. After starting my one-man company "Intrepid Heritage Services" in Columbus in 1997 to offer historical research, tours, and talks, I retuned to Ross County in 2003. Have been working as a radio programmer and reporter at Clear Channel / iHeart Media Southern Ohio. Started working with the Scioto Post June 27th, 2023.