Home News DeWine Orders Flags at Half Staff for National Fallen Firefighters Memorial Service

DeWine Orders Flags at Half Staff for National Fallen Firefighters Memorial Service


COLUMBUS, Ohio—In honor of the National Fallen Firefighters Memorial Service and in accordance with orders issued by the President of the United States of America, Governor DeWine has ordered that all U.S. and Ohio flags be flown at half-staff on all public buildings and grounds throughout the state from sunrise to sunset on Sunday, October 6, 2019.

Each year on October 6 America honors its fallen fire heres during a National Memorial Service at the National Memorial site. The memorial includes the laying of a Presidential Wreath and a dedication plaque honoring those who died in the line-of-duty during the previous year.

To see they yearly plaques and more information click here:https://www.firehero.org/fallen-firefighters/memorial-park/national-fallen-firefighters-memorial/