MONTGOMERY – A dispatcher for Montgomery county sheriffs office received a life-saving award for helping save the life of a mother after her son called 911.
Civilian Dispatcher Sweeney recived the Lifesaver Award from Premier Health. On December 4, 2022, a female went into sudden cardiac arrest and her son called 9-1-1. Dispatcher Sweeney took the call and gave CPR instructions to the son over the phone. He continued CPR until Dayton Fire arrived on scene. Thanks to everyone’s quick response, the patient was saved.
Dispatchers in Ohio can be trained in Emergency medical, a special certification that gives them the training to guide people over the phone for emergnecy medical help. This training isnt required in Ohio, but Ohio law does require that if needed the 911 call has to be transferred to someone who is trained in the guidance.
Pickaway County Sheriff office Lt. Jon Rhodes told Sciotopost that all of Pickaway County Dispatchers are Emergency medically trained, and have guide cards for all sorts of events from CPR, bleeding , choking, child birth, and more. Rhodes said that they use that training around 100 times a month for calls, and after certification, every year they recieve around 12 hours of contined education in medical dispatching.
The days of the old dispatching are over, now professional dispatchers are trained to handle whatever emergency that is on the other end of the phone, and with these skills can help make anyone a hero.