A young girl riding a dirt bike near the 900 block of South Washington Street was attacked by a dog at approximately 7:00pm on Sunday night, resulting in the death of the dog, and the girl being rushed to Berger Hospital.
According to an eyewitness interviewed by the Scioto Post, multiple people saw and immediately responded to the attack by the white dog which was allegedly identified as a pitbull.
Multiple people attempted to remove the dog from the young girl, who was believed to be between 12 and 13 years old, using their hands, sticks, and other means to separate the dog from the girl, to little avail. Motorists stopped in the road to render assistance until one such passer-by, who allegedly had a valid CHL weapons permit was able to dislodge and shoot the dog, ending the attack.
Rita Westbarger, who was interviewed after the attack, stated that the young girl was riding the dirtbike in full protective gear when the attack occurred in a vacant lot of the 900 block of South Washington Street. The dog allegedly bit her on the arms and legs, but was unable to penetrate the protective gear, possibly preventing even worse injury.
LIVE – Vicious dog attack and shooting in Circleville. We have an eyewitness account of the incident.
Posted by Scioto Post on Sunday, September 23, 2018
“It was a pitbull, skinny, white – it looked like it was malnourished – like it hadn’t been taken care of” said Rita. It was a statement made through multiple social media outlets to the Scioto Post, indicating some local residents familiarity with the dog involved in the attack.
According to Rita, the eyewitness, police arrived on scene and were preparing to possibly shoot the dog to end the attack, but the CHL permit holder shot the dog before they could react after it had released from the female victim and charged a bystander with a gun. Eyewitnesses stated that at least two people with firearms were on the scene, waiting to fire on the dog once it released from the girl.
The Scioto Post will continue to update this story, and the victim’s injuries, as the situation progresses.
A concerned citizen sent the Scioto Post a note concerning a previous attack involving the alleged dog in the attack, stating that it had attacked a family member earlier this year.