The Wright-Poling Pickaway County Dog Shelter says that they have gotten over the hump of Covid-19 this year, thanks to the generosity of the community.
Chief Dog Warden, Sherri Rarey said that she appreciates every donation that they have received during Covid-19. Without the ability to hold fundraisers this year, the donations helped us accomplish some of the updates at the shelter.
Adoptions are down this year due to our reduced hours during Covid-19. The shelter staff are considered essential employees and we must be here to take care of the dogs every day. The shelter is now open by appointment only. During the national Clear the Shelters event during the month of August, the shelter
adopted out 10 dogs!
We have received countless donations, big and small. They all matter! We were extremely excited to have Green Acres out of Orient Ohio contact us about a benefit concert with the money coming to the Shelter. They raised $5000 for us and wanted us to have our fenced in meet and greet play yard for the
dogs and potential adopters! That area will be completed by the end of September.
We were also contacted by AMVETS post 2286 of Circleville. They asked what we needed and took us shopping! With their donation, we were able to purchase 8 replacement tarps for our outdoor kennels, squeegees, scrub brushes, bleach, dog food, laundry detergent and treats for the dogs! We can always use bleach.
AMVETS usually allows us to hold our annual car show in their lot which we were unable to have this year. Commander, Dick Cole, didn’t forget about us. He cares about the shelter and wanted to
fill that void.
Rarey says that she appreciates all donations, large and small. They all make a difference in the lives of
the dogs at the shelter. We have an older resident of Circleville who sends a check every month for $15.
He loves dogs and wants to make sure he does what he can to help us care for them.
Tonight, the shelter will participate in Pups on the Patio at Watt Street Tavern in Circleville. They will
have three dogs available for adoption.
The Pickaway County Dog Shelter does not euthanize for overcrowding. They make room for every dog
until they find their forever home! The shelter is always in need of bleach and dog toys. You can contact
them through their Facebook page or by calling 740 474-3741.