Fairfield – Fairfield County Coroner is reporting that a spike in overdoses has resulted in several deaths.
The Fairfield County Coroner’s Office has seen a surge in overdose deaths within a two-day period in Fairfield County. Between the hours of 7:00 a.m. on 9/8/21 and 4:00 p.m. on 9/9/21 the Coroner’s Office has responded to three apparent overdose deaths. Two of the three cases occurred in the Pickerington area.
Toxicology testing will confirm if these overdose deaths are fentanyl-related. For those Fairfield County residents with family or friends who might be at risk for an overdose, please take the necessary steps to have Narcan available for them.
You can obtain Narcan by contacting Scott Duff at Project F.O.R.T. (740-901-1598 .) Additional information about Narcan is available at http://www.odh.ohio.gov/projectdawnTo find Fairfield County recovery services, call 211.