LANCASTER – A Lancaster man has been indicted and charged with 17 counts of crimes against children
Douglas McCune, 36 was indicted for
(1) Felony 1 count of Rape
(7) Felony 3 of Gross Sexual Imposition
(3) counts of Felony 5th degree of Illegal use of Minor in Nudity
(4) counts felony Felony 4th degree of Pandering sexually oriented matter involving a minor
(1) count of Felony 3 importuning
(1) Count 4th-degree felony, disseminating matter harmful to juveniles
McCune was originally arrested in July of 2022 when he was allegedly found by the victim’s mother inappropriately her younger than 13-year-old daughter. Through more investigation more evidence of the sexual abuse was found on McCune devices, including a second victim.
During court trials, McCune has turned down several plea deals, fired lawyers, and continued the trial several times. He has currently pled not guilty to the charges and will see a trial soon.