Scioto County Sheriff David Thoroughman and Portsmouth Police Chief Debby Brewer announce that two Scioto County, Ohio residents have been arrested resulting from an investigation conducted by the Southern Ohio Drug Task Force.
At approximately 7:16 a.m. on March 4th, 2022, task force detectives, assisted by Portsmouth P.D. SWAT, executed a narcotic-related search warrant at the residence of 57-year-old Harvey Mosley located at the suspected numerical address of 1180 Unit A Slab Run Rd. West Portsmouth, Ohio.
During a search, officers discovered and seized approximately 680 grams of suspected heroin/fentanyl, 14 assorted firearms, including assault rifles, handguns, and a shotgun, digital scales, cutting agents, approximately $10,729 cash, and additional evidence of drug trafficking. The estimated street value of the suspected drug seized is $60,000.
Harvey Mosley was charged with Possession of Drugs, a felony of the first degree. Mosley was additionally charged with Having a Weapon While Under Disability, a felony of the 3 rd degree.
At approximately 7:17 a.m. on March 4th, 2022 Probation Officers from Scioto County Common Pleas Court, assisted by Southern Ohio Drug Task Force personnel and Portsmouth P.D. SWAT conducted a home visit of probationer Michael Mosley, located at 1180 Slab Run Rd. West Portsmouth, Ohio.
During a search Probation Officers and assisting Law Enforcement personnel discovered and seized approximately 8 grams of suspected heroin/fentanyl, digital scales, sandwich baggies, approximately $3,825 cash, and additional evidence of drug trafficking. Michael Mosley was subsequently arrested for violating the terms and conditions of his probation.
Both Harvey and Michael Mosley were placed in the Scioto County Jail and Harvey Mosley was scheduled to be arraigned in Portsmouth Municipal Court on Monday, March 7th, 2022 at 9:00 a.m.
The case will eventually be forwarded to the Scioto County Prosecutor’s Office to be presented to a Scioto County Grand Jury for the consideration of additional felony charges against all arrestees.