USa – The FDA has send a warning letter to the president of Jimmy John’s Franchise, LLC on several outbreaks linked to Jimmy John’s restaurants. In this letter we detail evidence from five outbreaks, including the most recent outbreak in the state of Iowa during December 2019 of human infections with Escherichia coli O103.
“The evidence demonstrates that your corporation, through your franchised Jimmy John’s restaurants, engaged in a pattern of receiving and offering for sale adulterated fresh produce, specifically clover sprouts and cucumbers,” said FDA.
The Letter gives detail to five different outbreaks affecting 88 people in 22 states in the seven year period of 2012-2019. Furthermore FDA said, “these outbreaks, which spanned over the past seven years and impacted no fewer than seventeen states demonstrate the corporate-wide supplier control mechanisms you have in place for receiving fresh produce are inadequate. Although you stated that corrective actions were implemented following the 2019 and 2012 outbreaks, you have not provided FDA with any information demonstrating long-term, sustainable corrections have been implemented throughout your organization to prevent this violation from recurring in the future.”
FDA said that the five accounts are not the all-inclusive list of violations that exist in connection with the food you receive and offer for sale at your restaurants. You are responsible for investigating and determining the causes of the violations identified above and for preventing their recurrence or the occurrence of other violations. It is your responsibility to ensure your firm complies with all requirements of federal law and implementing regulations. You should take prompt action to correct all violations noted in this letter. Failure to promptly correct these violations may result in enforcement action by FDA without further notice, including seizure and/or injunction.
The FDA is asking for Jimmy Johns to respond in writing within 15 days asking for a response to include the specific things you are doing to address this violation.
To read the entire letter from FDA click here: