Central Ohio – Wildlife District One
State Wildlife Officers Chad Grote and Adam Smith, assigned to Marion and Logan counties, respectively, received information regarding a white-tailed deer tagging violation. The officers determined that the suspect had used a spouse’s information to game check a buck and then tagged a second buck in the same hunting season. The officers also found that the individual had game checked deer under the spouse’s name in previous seasons. The suspect was issued multiple summonses, and seven deer skulls were seized as evidence. The individual was found guilty of all charges, paid more than $800 in fines and court costs, and had hunting privileges suspended for one year.
State Wildlife Officer Antoinette Freet, assigned to Licking County, attended the Madison Township Fire Department’s annual Public Safety Trunk or Treat event. Officer Freet passed out candy, bracelets, and other items and answered questions about hunting and fishing opportunities in the county. The community event was attended by other law enforcement agencies and businesses in the area and around 200 adults and children participated.
Northwest Ohio – Wildlife District Two
In August 2023, State Wildlife Officer Ethan Bingham, assigned to Williams County, patrolled Lake La Su An Wildlife Area. Officer Bingham contacted two individuals who were on the area past the 10 p.m. curfew and were in possession of drugs and drug paraphernalia. The items were seized as evidence and the individuals were issued summonses for the violations. Each individual paid $474 in fines and court costs.
State Wildlife Officer Levi Farley, assigned to Paulding County, was on patrol when he noticed a man whose vehicle had a flat tire which needed to be replaced. Officer Farley helped the man change the tire and replaced the flat with a spare. The man was grateful for Officer Farley’s help.
Northeast Ohio – Wildlife District Three
State Wildlife Officer Ryan Pawlus, assigned to Lake County, recently donated 81 pounds of venison and 150 pounds of walleye to the Kevin P. Clinton Wildlife Center at Penitentiary Glen Reservation of Lake Metro Parks. The staff were appreciative because the venison and fish will feed wildlife ambassadors as well as temporary patients being rehabilitated for release.
State Wildlife Officers Mike Greer and Matt Madgar, assigned to Cuyahoga and Geauga counties, respectively, responded to a hunting without permission complaint in Ashtabula County. The officers followed evidence of a white-tailed deer being dragged out of the landowner’s woods to a house where a buck was discovered. The buck and a gun were seized as evidence and the suspect was charged with hunting without permission. The individual was convicted, received a one-year hunting license revocation, and was ordered to pay $4,687.11 in restitution, pay $500 in fines, and serve probation for one year. The venison from the seized buck was donated to a local food pantry.
Southeast Ohio – Wildlife District Four
State Wildlife Officer Mark Basinger, assigned to Perry County, was recently notified of a bobcat that was killed by a vehicle while it was feeding on a white-tailed deer carcass near St. Joseph Lake. Please contact your local wildlife officer concerning roadkill bobcat, gray fox, and coyote carcasses. The Ohio Division of Wildlife is supporting current research through The Ohio State University on coyotes. More information can be found at ohiocoyote.org. Sightings of bobcat and gray fox can be reported at wildohio.gov.
Southwest Ohio – Wildlife District Five
State Wildlife Officer Trent Weaver, assigned to Montgomery County, recently received a late-night hunting without permission complaint. Officer Weaver was unable to immediately respond. Later, Weaver received another hunting without permission complaint from the same landowner involving the same vehicle. Officer Weaver responded and contacted a man hunting white-tailed deer. The man was cited for hunting without permission.
State Wildlife Officer Brad Buening, assigned to Mercer County, recently attended the Mercer County Pheasants Forever youth archery league. More than 75 children attended the event to shoot along the 3D course.