CIRCLEVILLE – Box 65 is a first responder support group for Multiple Counties including but not limited to Ross, Fairfield, Pickaway, Franklin and resides here in Pickaway, but that may be changing soon.

Last week Box 65 got a notification that the building that Ohio Christian University rented and allowed them to use for many years is now going up for sale by the property owner, and they will have to vacate the facility. Mark Adkins box 65, scene support coordinator says they are looking for an available building for their non-profit 5013C organization. They are looking for a building that can fit the two converted ambulance vehicles and storage for their supplies. The building will have to be temperature controlled for the food products they use. “A building about 2,500 to 3,000 square feet would work,” said Mark Adkins. “We are a non-profit entity and an all-volunteer staff. Our sources of income come only from our Popular fish fry and anything donated, so we are looking for a place that is low cost or rent donated.”

Box 65 helps combat first responder fatigue by responding to major events like large house fires, ongoing police investigations, and significant crisis that demand, first responders. Box 65 sets up a station at these events where fatigue and rehab are needed. The unit provides first responders with food, hydration, and rest. They also combat heat stroke in the summertime by offering cooling towels and fans and aid in warmth in the winter with heaters and provide warm drinks like coffee and tea.

“Box 65 assists fire, Ems and law enforcement agencies in prolonged scenes. They provide rehab in the way of water and misting fans during times of hot weather, provide places for firefighters and other public services workers to stay warm in cold weather. They also provide food and other necessary items on these incident scenes. They have proved to be a very valuable asset to public safety,” said Arron Kerns of Circleville Fire Department.

Can you help by offering this crucial first responder service a home? Do you know someone that has a location that would work for Box 65? Please tag them in this post or contact Box 65 through their facebook post at