Home News Five Orphaned Manatees Released Back to Florida Waters After Years of Rehabilitation...

Five Orphaned Manatees Released Back to Florida Waters After Years of Rehabilitation at Columbus Zoo

Amanda Carberry, Columbus Zoo and Aquarium

Five manatees rescued as orphaned calves between 2020 and 2021 have finally returned home to Florida waters after a multi-year rehabilitation effort. The Manatee Rescue & Rehabilitation Partnership (MRP), a collaborative group of organizations, celebrated the successful release yesterday at Blue Spring State Park.

Years of Care and Collaboration:

  • Several organizations, including SeaWorld Orlando, Columbus Zoo, Brevard Zoo, and others, worked together to provide expert care and treatment to the manatees.
  • This complex operation took years of dedication and collaboration.

Monitoring and Future Challenges:

  • Each released manatee has a GPS tracker enabling researchers to monitor their adaptation to their natural habitat.
  • Florida manatees face ongoing threats, both natural and human-caused.

Quotes from Key Partners:

  • Virginia Edmonds, President of MRP: “We are grateful to our partners for their commitment to this collective effort. But our work doesn’t stop here.”
  • Dr. Joseph Gaspard, SeaWorld Orlando: “This was truly a team effort among the zoological community to ensure the best care was provided.”
  • Becky Ellsworth, Columbus Zoo: “Words cannot describe the immense joy and hope we feel as we help these manatees back into their native waters.”

Columbus Zoo’s Involvement:

  • The Columbus Zoo was one of three facilities outside Florida to care for these manatees during their rehabilitation.
  • Ellsworth highlights the zoo’s commitment to manatee conservation and the importance of collaboration.

Manatees that were released back to Florida waters 

ManateeRescued Today
Squirrel Rehabilitated at SeaWorld Orlando, Miami Seaquarium and Columbus Zoo and AquariumTransported by Ideal LeaseMay 2020 in Tavernier, Fla.Weight when found: 66 pounds Weight when moved to Columbus Zoo: 116 pounds Weight: 960 pounds
LizzieRehabilitated at SeaWorld Orlando and Columbus Zoo and AquariumTransported by Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation CommissionJuly 2020 in Palm Coast, Fla. Weight: 63 pounds Weight: 855 pounds 
MaryKate Rehabilitated at SeaWorld Orlando and Columbus Zoo and AquariumTransported by Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation CommissionFound swimming alone in January 2021 in Blue Spring State Park, Fla. Weight: 107 pounds Weight: 815 pounds 
ClankRehabilitated at SeaWorld Orlando and Georgia AquariumTransported by SeaWorldDecember 2021 in Port St. John, Fla.Weight: 128 poundsWeight: 725 pounds
TinkTinkRehabilitated at SeaWorld Orlando and Georgia AquariumTransported by SeaWorldDecember 2021 in Blue Spring State Park, Fla.Weight: 124 poundsWeight: 840 pounds