Home News Former Pickaway Sheriff Deputy Indicted on Felonies for Impersonation, Wasnt the First...

Former Pickaway Sheriff Deputy Indicted on Felonies for Impersonation, Wasnt the First time Working Outside his Duties


WHITEHALL – More information has come out on a man who impersonatied a Police officer in WHitehall and who was a former Correction officer for Pickaway Sheriff’s office but he quit when he became under investigation.

According to the Whitehall police department, they were called to Collingwood Ave. and E. Broad street on a call of a man impersonating a police officer.

According to a report obtained by the Sussi Report, Police had already observed an unmarked Crown Victoria with red and blue flashing lights at the intersection prior.

When police questioned the man he said he was on traffic detail for AEP, while they worked on the lines. Police noted that the man was wearing a black Oakley hat, black polo, and police traffic vest. He claimed he was working off-duty for a company out of Cleveland Ohio. He claimed that he worked for the Glenmont police department.

It wasn’t until the officers felt something was wrong with the situation and decided to ask more questions when they found out the truth.

When they questioned the man further he identified as a former correction officer in Pickaway county Casey Williams, and through more investigation, it was found that he did not hold any commission with any police department in the state.

After arrest, police identified that the badge that Williams had was a forged Pickaway county sheriff badge, he also had in his possession a Pickaway county deputy jacket, along with a Glock, taser, two pairs of handcuffs, a flashlight, pepper spray. In his Crown Vic cruiser, he had a loaded Smith and Wesson rifle, and a ballistic vest.

Williams was charged with impersonating a peace officer, improperly handing of a firearm in a motor vehicle.

Former Correction officer Williams quit Pickaway County sheriff’s office after an investigation was launched after according to the personnel file that Willams portrayed himself as on duty at the Pickaway county fair. According to the records Willams was allegedly patrolling the fairgrounds with a badge and walking around the fairgrounds looking for alcohol abuse.

The report stated that Casey was on his own time and “overreached” his authority at the fair. The report said that Casey, “abused his privilege” and “negligent retention to allow him to carry his commission at this time.”

Williams was a corrections deputy and did not work outside of the jail.