FRANKLIN – Franklin County Corner has reported that they have had 15 people die of overdoses in Franklin County this weekend so far.
This was rivaled by the fourth of July weekend when the Doctor reported 16 people died of suspected overdose.
On July 3 just before the deadly weekend Columbus Morgue reported 8 fatalities in less than 24 hours.
According to the Doctor Naloxone and Fentanyl test strips can prevent these deaths. For info and help go to:…/Alcoh…/Opiate-Crisis-Information/
The doctor suggests that, “if you use please make sure you have naloxone/ narcan, never use alone and test first with fentanyl test strips. For families and friends with loved ones who use please carry naloxone/ narcan.”
In the first quarter of 2020 Columbus reported that they saw a 55% increase in OD fatalities the first quarter of 2020 compared to 2019. This was basically before the effects of COVID 19 began in Franklin County. You can read that report here: