Home News Franklin County has Spike in Overdose Deaths in 24 Hour Period

Franklin County has Spike in Overdose Deaths in 24 Hour Period


FRANKLIN COUNTY – The Franklin County Coroner’s office has seen another surge in overdose deaths.

Between the hours of 6:03 pm on October 1,2018 and 11:48 Am on October 2,2018 seven apparent overdose deaths located in zip codes 43081,43227,43229,43211,43224, and 43207. The toxicology team is conducting initial testing to confirm if these overdose weather are fentanyl-related.

For those Franklin County resident with family or friend that might be at risk of an overdose, please take the necessary steps to have Naloxone available for them.

Naloxone is a lifesaving tool used for opiate overdoses. The general public can obtain naloxone at any pharmacy without a perception at a cost or by using their health insurance.



  1. Just a little side note, and not to be mean but someone should really take the time to edit these post and check for spelling and punctuation. It seems insignificant to some, but it really helps those who read the stories. God bless you all for your hard work and dedication to keeping Pickaway County residents informed on what is going on in the community and surrounding areas!

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