Pickaway – It’s almost that time again for the Seventh free annual labor day fireworks.
New Life located at 7766 Stoutsville Pike sets up an amazing free event every year on Labor day weekend. Fireworks displays are bigger than that of Chillicothe and most of the surrounding areas. That’s not all though they have bounce houses, food, and lots of great fun during the event.
Fireworks start at dusk but get there early last year the sheriff closed the entrance due to the traffic that was trying to get to the event last minute. Plus you don’t want to miss all the other fun FREE events they have going on. Food-eating contests, sand volleyball bounces houses, and concessions are available at a very low cost.
The event is sponsored by several entities around Pickaway County including Sciotopost! Gouge roofing is the overall event sponsor of the event, and many others make this event what it is today.
We love this event, and it seems to get bigger and bigger every year.
Gates open at 3:45 pm on Sept, 4, 2022 so there’s plenty of time for the kids to play before the amazing fireworks. Bring yard games, lawn chairs, concessions are cheap you can easily feed a family of four for less than 10 bucks.