Ashville – Three free movies for the community have been planned over the summer as a way to entertain kids over the break.
Free Movies in the park plans on showing in June, July, and August, three great movies will play along with two characters by Characters by Jake will be at the park just before the movie for a meet and greet.
The movies will play in the park and showtimes will be at dusk. The first movie is Trolls on June 3rd and will have Poppy there to meet the kids just before the movie. When the kids settle in free snacks and drinks will be included in the fun event.

July 15th Encanto will play in the park with free snacks and drinks
August 5 with be the last movie of the season and will include a minion before the movie for kids to meet and greet! Of course, there will be free snacks and drinks for kids along with a great community event.
This event was brought to the community by the Village of Ashville, Pickaway county library, Flag Dady’s Flag Store, Mikes Pizza and Pub, Characters by Jake, Jonesy’s Treasure Box, and S &K Designs.
More info can be found on the Village of Ashville Facebook page.