US – Gas prices continue to climb rising another 1.8 cents across the county according to
US Average of gas is 3.41 per gallon this week across the country, and diesel has risen 1.7 cents and stands at 3.63 per gallon across the county. With Holiday travel to start in the near future and oil prices still over 80 dollars a barrel we should see more increase in gas before the end of the year.
Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer said on Sunday, that President Biden should tap the emergency petroleum reserves to lower rising gasoline prices as Americans go into the holiday season. But, this may just be a short-term effect for better gas prices and would soar back to the same levels.
Recently Sciotopost reported on Diesel and Gas shortages at a gas stations in Ross and Pickaway county. Locally the Pilot in Pickaway county was without Diesel for over four days. Companies have pointed at supply chain disruptions and understaffing of semi-truck drivers to move fuel around the US.
As for Circleville and Pickaway country gas is lower than the national average around 3.26 per gallon. Sheetz is the lowest in town at 3.13 per gallon.