Home News Governor Dewine Imposes New Closings on Ohio, Closing of Bars and Restaurants

Governor Dewine Imposes New Closings on Ohio, Closing of Bars and Restaurants


OHIO – Governor Dewine on Sunday said that testing is behind and thats why the State of Ohio is reacting so quickly. New closing of dining in restaurants and bars and aiming for social distancing will start at 9 pm tonight on Sunday March 15th.

“We’ve set a limit of 100 people, but we are getting photos of bars with lots of people in them. Social distancing is key.”

Carry out foods will still remain open, and delivery will be open but restaurant dining will be closed, bars will be closed effective today.

“Go in buy a coffee and a donut and then walk out and thats fine, what we want is to minimize sitting in public spaces. I know this will affect small business and hurt people who work at these establishments, and I’m sorry, I am really really sorry.”

“But delay means more people will die, thats what the models show, if we do not act and break up these groups, our health care system in the state of Ohio will not stand up. We would lose people who need emergency services like strokes and heart attacks, people who need air will have issues finding machines.”

“Im fully aware that this will hurt small business, the phone calls have already been made to unemployment and aid to mitigate the harm that this order will cause.”

Some companies like Taco Bell are closing dining and offering delivery and drive thru only. Many other businesses will most likely do the same.

Dr. Amy Action, “The cases are just the tip of the iceberg there are more out there that are not yet shown symptoms. We are looking on what we are seeing in other countries and predicting our models from there. This is a war on a virus, everyday we do more we will see less in the surge. We are trying to minimize the surge on our hospital system. Our hospitals are preparing for the surge now. You will see hospitals do unprecedented measures by sending less sick home.”

The numbers are growing quickly but that may not be exactly what is happening. Dewine said in a press conference on Saturday that many of the hospitals in Ohio are finally coming online with testing and that would show a slight spike in confirmed cases as he believes that there are more cases not confirmed walking around in Ohio.

There are 350 people currently under investagtion, and 139 people who have had negative tests.

Franklin County is up to three confirmed cases up from one yesterday the two new cases are not in the City of Columbus. Officials said that the two people are 52 and 35 years old, and are working to identify people that they have been in contact with to isolate them.

Cases are in these counties in Ohio

Belmont – 2
Butler – 6
Cuyahoga – 14
Franklin – 3
Lorain – 2
Lucas – 1
Medina – 1
Stark – 2
Summit – 2
Trumbull – 2
Tuscarawas – 1

“This first cases of COVID-19 in our health jurisdiction, though not a surprise are, however, a reminder for our residents to continue taking the necessary precautions to protect the health of themselves and their families,” said Health Commissioner Joe Mazzola. “This is an ever-evolving situation and we will continue to notify the public as things change.”

“Franklin County Public Health is working across its health jurisdiction with the Franklin County Board of Commissioners, 14 cities, 17 townships, 10 villages, 13 school districts, and dozens of healthcare, social services and other partners to prevent and contain the spread of the virus,”

Anyone who believes they have been exposed to an infected persons should contact a doctor or urgent care facility.