CIRCLEVILLE – Ever want a box of Grandma’s cookies? Ever want dozens of different kids of Grandma’s cookies? Ummm yes, please! The Circleville Presbyterian Church will have its annual cookie walk this Saturday, December 11th at 9 am. The Presbyterian Church is located at 134 East Mound Street in Circleville.

“They are eight dollars a pound, we use the cookie sale monies to support the industrial kitchen maintenance for the community kitchen. Eight different churches cook to serve the community three nights a week for dinner here. Monday, Wednesday, and Friday nights different churches in the Circleville area take turns to serve the needy in the area. Sometimes The Boy Scouts and Girl Scouts come and help! This kitchen is an important part of this community,” said volunteer Carla Davis.
To keep everyone safe and healthy, all cookies donated will be packed in individual plastic bags.
Those wishing to purchase cookies will gather their selection in Campbell Hall-10 people at a time. Cost will be $8.00 per pound. Gloves and a box to put your selections in will be provided for all who participate. Masks are required. Cookie Walk proceeds provide funds to maintain the kitchen for community kitchen and church.